Tara Air crashed near Nepal

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Tara Air crashed near Nepal

It is reported that a Twin Otter plane operated by Nepal carrier: Tara Air crashed on 30 May 2022 near Naurikot.


The plane was carrying 22 people including 3 crew members. Reporters said there were 4 Indians and 2 Germans, and the remaining passengers are Nepalis.


The plane was scheduled to land at 10:15 am, and the last signal sent to the control tower was at 10:07 am. Then just 5 minutes before landing, the plane lost complete communication with the control tower.

The crash site was near Himalaya Mountain and was often reported for air tragedy due to the difficult mountain terrain. The Nepal authority started rescue immediately after the crash, but due to the bad weather, the rescue was suspended and re-started on the next day.


So far, 20 dead bodies were retrieved.


We hope all the passengers and crew are rest in peace and hope similar tragedy never happen again.

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