Inspirations From The Incident: Golden Retriever – Siri

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Inspirations From The Incident: Golden Retriever – Siri

Hello everyone, this issue was originally going to be an industry newsletter, but after hearing about a Golden Retriever named Siri, I decided to write about it. Because this incident hit me quite hard, and it had a deep impact. So how do we, as insiders in the airlift industry, view this matter?


First, let’s review this first. According to Weibo’s report on the matter, the pet owner, Ms. Chen, initially signed an agreement with the shipping company, which stated that it was the mode of transportation by air. Then, according to the blogger, the shipping company directly took away the ground transportation, and finally notified the shipper that Siri was dead.


Later, the shipping company claimed that its phone was blown up and could not operate normally. He claimed that the dogs were first transported by air and then by land.


Here, what I want to say is that this result is unacceptable, whether it is air transport first and then land transport, or full land transport. In addition, after looking at the screenshots of the chat between the blogger and the shipping company, I found that the shipping company’s attitude is really bad. And all kinds of excuses are really illogical.


I have been talking about standardizing the industry, giving the public a formal and positive image, and not letting the public deepen their misunderstanding of the freight forwarding industry. This company did the opposite, not only did not operate in accordance with the prescribed industry norms, but also did not have a reasonable and positive attitude to treat it afterwards. This really casts a huge shadow on our industry. Now the Internet is overwhelmingly saying that the shipping company has black hearts and deceives the shipper. I am heartbroken and angry to see this news. Sadly, a living life, due to the irregular operation of the shipping agency, led to a serious transportation accident, which directly led to the death of Siri. The anger is that because some unscrupulous companies do not operate in accordance with industry norms, they not only deceive shippers, but also cause all other law-abiding freight forwarding companies to suffer unnecessary doubts and losses. It is true that the shipping company can reduce the cost by using land transportation instead of air transportation, but this is a pet dog and cannot be changed to land transportation at will, not to mention that an agreement has been signed in advance. But because of this incident, a short-term benefit, it hurt the reputation of the entire industry and made the work of other peers more difficult to carry out. This is so short-sighted! Should be spurned by the entire industry! It really was a piece of mouse droppings that ruined a pot of porridge! Now everyone has to spend more time explaining to customers, and let more customers deepen the misunderstanding of the industry. Honestly, I really want to beat him up. The trust and norms that we had worked so hard to build were destroyed by his harassment.


Here, on behalf of the majority of freight forwarding companies operating in compliance, I strongly condemn this black-hearted shipping company.


Here I will tell you a few key points. It is not only to clarify the rights and responsibilities of major freight forwarding companies and standardize their operations, but also to give shippers a clear guide on how to identify and prevent tragedies in the face of similar things.


According to Sina News ( ), when Ms. Chen saw Siri on the evening of the 7th, her body was already smelling. After repeated questioning by Ms. Chen, the shipping company said that it had privately changed air transportation to land transportation. And after veterinarian identification, Siri died of heart failure due to heat stroke.


News from the internet (Source from SHINE)

We have also mentioned the problem of damage to the goods before. When the shipper delivers the goods, the party receiving the goods must ensure that the goods are packaged in good condition. Otherwise, if the packaging is damaged when the goods are received, it will be difficult to determine where the goods are damaged. . In the same way, when Miss Chen handed Siri to the shipping company, Siri was healthy and had a health certificate. But when Miss Chen received Siri, she was already dead, and she died of heatstroke. Don’t think about this situation, there must be a problem during transportation, which will lead to such a serious transportation accident. And the cause of death of heat stroke is very worth thinking about.


Afterwards, when Ms. Chen communicated with the employee of the shipping company, the employee said at first that it was transported by a cargo plane, but from Ms. Chen’s reply, there was no document to support this statement, and the other party showed an indifferent look.


chat history between the logistics and the shipper

Chat history between the logistics and the shipper (Source from the internet)

News screenshot (Source from the internet)

News screenshot (Source from the internet)

News screenshot (Source from the internet)

News screenshot (Source from the internet)

Regarding the claim that the cargo plane was used, I checked it out, but I didn’t find any cargo flight from Nanjing to Guiyang. There are many passenger flights on this route, but there are no cargo flights. Of course, there are also adhoc cargo flights on the same day, which is doubtful. But generally speaking, pet transportation should not take cargo flights. And the employee said he could call the police if it wasn’t airlifted or caused Siri’s death. My God, how can you be so indifferent? Is this just a loss to Miss Chen? This has caused the entire industry to suffer losses. How do you compensate the entire industry for the unnecessary questioning and harassment because of you?


Moreover, there is still a doubt here, although I am not a passenger, but as far as I know, there is indeed a weight limit for the passenger’s pet consignment, but doesn’t TM say that it takes a cargo plane? I haven’t heard of a cargo opportunity that has a weight limit on AVI cargo. People can carry a horse and a rhino, but a dog, tell me overweight? and! Shipping a 40kg pet dog, the air freight is 2600 yuan? Are you kidding me? General goods are more than this price, let alone live animals? I would also like to advise all pet owners, don’t be greedy for petty cheap. Although it can’t be said that cheap products are not good, you can think about why other people’s prices are so high, and this one’s prices are so low? Wasn’t it because they didn’t plan to fly by air in the first place, that’s why they made this offer? I have raised this question again and again, what kind of service is available at any price. Cargo owners, sometimes you really can’t just look at the price. Moreover, it is really necessary to understand the norms in the field of pet consignment in order to better prevent unscrupulous consignment agencies.

Postcard of somewhere (Source from the internet)

Postcard of somewhere (Source from the internet)

There is also a doubtful point. The consignment agency said that the cargo compartment of the plane was too hot, causing the dog to suffer from heat stroke? Are you kidding me? The agency should have done this kind of deceitful deeds before. If they often fly by air, how could they say such a thing. The cargo hold of an airplane is only too cold and not too hot. I won’t talk about air conditioning in the cargo warehouse. As we said before, the process of aircraft cruising is generally in the stratosphere. When cruising at the height of the stratosphere, do you know what the outside temperature is? I said no, see what wiki has to say. No matter what altitude you fly in the stratosphere, your dog won’t suffer from heat stroke! Are all the tricks to deceive people so inferior now?

Stratosphere (Source from Wikipedia)

Stratosphere (Source from Wikipedia)

In the end, the company involved actually said that it had suffered a large-scale malicious cyber attack and its operations had been paralyzed. After doing such a nasty thing, why don’t people tell me? If you don’t want to be told, then don’t do it. Want to solve this matter with 6000 yuan, is it possible? There is an old Chinese saying: If you want people to know nothing, you must do it yourself. Do you still want to continue to deceive other pet owners? It’s really shameless to an unprecedented realm. If the operation is standardized, who has the time to say it?

News Screenshot (Source from the internet)

News Screenshot (Source from the internet)

I won’t talk about legal responsibility here. I also support the owner of the golden retriever to take legal channels to recover his losses and give the golden retriever Siri a statement. But today we will emphasize the precautions and specifications for the transportation of live animals. Of course, before you look down, you can read the article we mentioned earlier about the transportation of live animals.


First of all, when the owner makes a booking, we must make it clear that this is an AVI live animal. The point is “live”! The most important task of the agent is to ensure the health and safety of the animals, and then quickly transport the animals to the destination and notify the consignee to pick up the goods.


Many airlines have clearly stipulated that live animals such as pets cannot be transported by cargo aircraft. If you really want to use a cargo aircraft, it must be the type of aircraft that connects the upper and lower warehouses. This rule is to ensure that if something happens to the animal, someone can take care of the animal. You see, the significance of this regulation is to protect the health and safety of animals to the greatest extent possible.


And all animals need to go to the local quarantine department for a physical examination and issue a health certificate before they can be shipped. If it is involved in international transportation, it needs to be approved by the customs before it can be shipped. Don’t forget that on the back of the air waybill, it is clearly written that the owner is responsible and obliged to ensure the safety of the goods. If the shipment is animals or plants, it is even more necessary to add the approval of the quarantine department. There is a word called alien species. Every country taboos that alien species will destroy the local ecological balance. Therefore, when we do the international transportation of animals and plants, we should also pay attention to whether the destination country has prohibited the import of such species. Of course, common pets are not included in this list.


In addition, pet owners must ensure that during transportation, pets will not cause damage to the air box or even the cabin due to fear or other reasons. This requires that the container for the pet should be strong, and at the same time, it cannot cause physical harm to the pet. There are special containers for transporting pets on the market. When transporting pets, special containers should be used. In the container, it is also necessary to ensure that there is enough feed/food to ensure that the pet will not be hungry/thirsty and suffer physical damage during the flight. For large animals or animals with ferocious habits, an appropriate amount of sedative should be taken under the guidance of a veterinarian to avoid accidents. And if the transportation is a large animal such as a horse, it should be equipped with qualified random personnel to take care of the animal.


As a pet owner, for the sake of the pet’s health, you also need to know a certain amount of professional knowledge, and you can’t just leave it to others. This is also the responsibility of the pet owner. At the same time, I emphasize again, don’t choose cheap suppliers, because you don’t know where the cost reduction is. Price is an important consideration, but it cannot be said that it is only price. Obviously, the price is already lower than the 18th layer of hell. If you have to choose this supplier, you can only afford the corresponding service.


Finally, let’s observe a moment of silence for what happened to Siri. At the same time, I strongly condemn the irresponsible shipping agencies. It is these agencies that have shaken the credibility and professionalism of the entire industry.


NB: Karron is the owner of the “NatureCalls” Wechat Official Account.

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