Our Knowledge

Explore our expansive knowledge base packed with carefully curated articles.

A Brief Introduction of payload

We can always hear people talking about payload, but do we really understand payload?

Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – Why Air Freight Prices Changes A Lot
You may wonder why the airfreight rate is always changing? This article might give you a clearer picture.
Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – Agent Performance
Understand what is the agent performance and how it affects a forwarding agent.
Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – Airlines Operating Principles
Some Basic knowledge about the principles of operating an airline.
Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – Contract Types
The introduction of different contract types. To choose from contract types, you have to know them first.
Air Logistics Tariff System – Vol. 1
Understanding how is the airfreight rate calculated? What kinds of weights affect the airfreight charge?
Aviation Logistics Knowledge Lecture – Contour
After understanding the ULDs, it’s time to understand the contour.

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